Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beautiful Pictures

Hello Again...

Time for some beeaaaaaautiful pictures...

:) For High School Yearbook Thingy :)9

Random Sketches

Hello, my non-existent followers...

Here are a couple random sketches I decided to post for a high school thing. :D

Strax, Vastra, and Jenny from Doctor Who

My friend made me draw this. :| I think its from
League of Legends? IDK.

Little Animal/Object Sketches
I love the little egg ones.

Character Sketch for this Project with 
My Friend

TA-TA! TOODLE-LOO! I'll (very soon) post some pictures that I think are purty.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Frozen: Anna & Elsa

Hello everyone!

Yes, please don't kill me. I haven't updated this blog in like forever. :)

I don't know what else to say for this blog entry other then, I hope you like the art!

Elsa the Snow Queen

Anna Winking (I had trouble with the other eye so I just made her wink)

Elsa Winking as well (same reason as above ;) )

Ta-ta, my lovelies. More drawings soon to come...hopefully...