Thursday, July 18, 2013

Prince and Princess

This drawing was created in the comfort of my lovely hotel room. I felt like doing dresses. And yes, I know what you think. "Hey, that looks like Prince Charming and Cinderella!!!"

Well, DING DING DING! You are correct! $100,000,000 for you! Just kidding...

Anyway, yes, the prince's outfit looks like Prince Charming. But the princesse's dress is a bit different from Cinderellas. Coughcoughsleevescoughcough.

Hope you like!

Ta-da! If your curious, I made all these drawings on the Sketchbook Express app for iPhone and iPad and etc.

A very handy app in my opinion.

Well, those are all the drawings I have made in my wonderful short trip to Las Vegas.

Ta-ta! Good-bye!

Superhero Time!

And here is the third drawing, but not the last drawing.

I created this when my family and I went to the buffet...again...What can I say? Food is good...

I wanted to make this whole team of superheroes, but I was lazy and felt like doing only one. Again, my dearest mom helped me create the name. If you have watched the TV show "24" before, than you will recognize the last name. Alas, my mom is currently watching the show.

Here it is!

 It's beautiful.... Yes, he is wearing a sleeveless vest thing. And no, those are not real Chinese characters tattooed on his arm. But, ha, did I fool ya?

The yellow might be hard to read...sorry.

But alas, there is one last drawing coming. So hold on!!

Family Photo

Hello again. And yes. GASP! A POST RIGHT AFTER THE OTHER ONE?? I know...hold your applause.

It's just that I had a lot of drawings. I think I mentioned that before.

Anyway, I created this yes. When my parents were chilling and having a couple drinks. Since I am underage, I ordered some sorbet, plopped on the comfortable chair, and started to draw.

Here it is: THE FAMILY!!!

Yay! It's so beautiful. They are at Hawaii, as you can plainly assume. My dearest mother helped me with the names.

It's so beautiful...I think I'm going to cry.

That's that drawing. There are a couple more, so hang in there!

Bye...for now....MUAHAHAHAHA!


Hey guys! So, I was in Las Vegas for a couple of days and one night, my family and I decided to go a BUFFET. Yes, a BUFFET.
There was ton of delicious food there, but the line WAS SO LONG. So, I grabbed my iPad (first's really fat) and decided to draw. The wait took ONE HOUR and I  managed to create this.

Ta-da! Fun fact: I was going to make a person standing in a line waiting for the buffet, but I got hungry and decided to make a chef.

Anyways, hope you like it.

But wait, there is more. I did a couple more drawings while I was in Las Vegas.