Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Bookshelves

Here's another one!
It's based off of this picture:
It's just a clipart, I think. That would be nice to have.
Here are my pictures. There are no shadows. :( I still need to perfect my skills. Sigh...

Ta-da! Ew...it looks so gross with no shadows. I also had trouble with the Paint Effects. :(
Oh well. It looks pretty good otherwise.

Enjoy! And remember, if you want to use it, feel free! But, I would like some recognition, please!

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Blue Time-Out Chair

Yesterday, I created this blue chair based off on this picture:
Of course, my chair isn't that small and squat. And I couldn't do those little animal designs.
Anyway, here they are:

Hope you enjoy them! You are free to use these if you can. I'm not sure. But, I would like some recognition, please.

P.S. Sorry the pictures are a bit not clear.


Hello, readers! I am starting a blog on all my Autodesk Maya creations! I hope their good enough for you! :) Hope you enjoy them!
