Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beautiful Pictures

Hello Again...

Time for some beeaaaaaautiful pictures...

:) For High School Yearbook Thingy :)9

Random Sketches

Hello, my non-existent followers...

Here are a couple random sketches I decided to post for a high school thing. :D

Strax, Vastra, and Jenny from Doctor Who

My friend made me draw this. :| I think its from
League of Legends? IDK.

Little Animal/Object Sketches
I love the little egg ones.

Character Sketch for this Project with 
My Friend

TA-TA! TOODLE-LOO! I'll (very soon) post some pictures that I think are purty.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Frozen: Anna & Elsa

Hello everyone!

Yes, please don't kill me. I haven't updated this blog in like forever. :)

I don't know what else to say for this blog entry other then, I hope you like the art!

Elsa the Snow Queen

Anna Winking (I had trouble with the other eye so I just made her wink)

Elsa Winking as well (same reason as above ;) )

Ta-ta, my lovelies. More drawings soon to come...hopefully...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

One Direction!

Hey, guys!

I know... I know... It's been FOREVER! Well, I've been really and all, but alas! I haveth a couple drawings for thee!

Ta-da! Yeah, it might not be that funny. :P But, I tried. I was going to a One Direction concert. Since, I have never been to any concert I thought you were allowed to like give stuff to them. I made this comic, so maybe they will remember me? Idk..Anyway, now, I can share it to the world!

Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn. If you guys see this (which is highly unlikely), I have come to say, "Haiiiiii." * faints *

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another Comic! Yay!

Hey, everyone!

So, you guys might know that I'm starting a comic series. I haven't figured out a name, but I'm sure I will eventually.

The previous post was just a single frame comic that has my friends. Now, I have another comic.

Ta-da! These are my friends from school. ^^ They are amazing. And what is to follow is a true story. So stay tuned! ;)

<3 Morganic <3

Friday, November 1, 2013

Comic! :D

Hey everyone!

I am very excited to announce my very first comic! Yay! It only has one frame, but oh well. It's still pretty good. It might not be that funny either.

I don't know why there is a little grey line at the bottom left hand corner. Oh well! Ha! These three people are based off of real people. And they are my best friends! By the way, I do not have red hair. It is supposed to be brown. Oops...

Hope you like it!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Paintings...not Doodles

Hey y'all!

So, right now I'm in Massachusetts! Yippee!

Why you ask? Well, I'm interviewing for high schools! Yay! So, I decided to put some stuff on here.

These were a couple paintings/drawings I did over the years. I do not know the exact dates. But, how cares! They are beautiful either way! :)

California Impressionist

Another California Impressionist

A beautiful tone drawing 

And that's that! :)
